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Bounter Hunter Faction Non Force Users - Gunslinger Master Path's

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Bounter Hunter Faction Non Force Users - Gunslinger Master Path's Empty Bounter Hunter Faction Non Force Users - Gunslinger Master Path's

Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 1:53 am

Fearless Scoundrel:

"You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."
―Han Solo
Only the true masters smugglers ever become known as a Scoundrel to those that know them.
"Scoundrel" is a term used for individuals who are considered rogues by the galactic mainstream society. During the years of the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed it circa 3,653 BBY, the term scoundrel referred to a particular breed of smuggler who fought for the Galactic Republic. These scoundrels were known for their unpredictability, skill, and underhandedness in combat. These so called 'Scoundrel' have since made a return to the mainstream in recent times being named to those who become master smugglers.
In addition to his trusty blaster, the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a med pack--everything he needs to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive.

Weapon Focus: The Scoundrel is more familiar with weapons than most and has mastered a wide range of death-dealing devices. At level Fifteen the Scoundrel gains the weapon focus perk.

No Holds Barred: The First lesson a Scoundrel learns is the greatest weapon of all is his own body. At Level Sixteen a Scoundrel gains an extra attack when in unarmed combat.

Fearful Gun: The Scoundrel is feared by many for his vast array of death dealing guns but only one truly strikes fear in an enemy’s heart. At level seventeen the Scoundrel's opponent is so scared that he is a considered a rank lower in his weapons and force skills if the Scoundrel is wielding the weapon of choice. Note: The weapon is user’s choice and cannot be changed once chosen. The weapon chosen must be in parenthesis next to the Fearful Gun perk.

Supreme Gun Training: In the hands of a Scoundrel a gun can transcend the effectiveness it has even in the hands of a master. Starting at level eighteen the Scoundrel can purchase a fourth rank in any blaster pistol or blaster rifle weapon group.

Supreme Combat Form Training: In the hands of a Scoundrel a gun can transcend the effectiveness it has even in the hands of a master combat veteran. Starting at level nineteen the Scoundrel can purchase a fourth rank in any Combat Form.

Ultimate Weapon Focus: The Scoundrel has become so familiar with using weapons than anyone else that they are a rank higher than the weapon he is using even if he is untrained or if it puts him above masterful. This ability is gained at level twenty.

Lvl Special Abilities
15 Weapon Focus
16 Martial Arts Master
17 Fearful Gun
18 Supreme Gun Training
19 Supreme Combat Form Training
20 Ultimate Weapon Focus

Proficiency Points:
W: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
S: 15, 16, 19, 20
P: 16, 17, 19
T: 17, 19, 20

Silent Scoudrel:

You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."
―Han Solo
Only the true masters smugglers ever become known as a Scoundrel to those that know them.
"Scoundrel" is a term used for individuals who are considered rogues by the galactic mainstream society. During the years of the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed it circa 3,653 BBY, the term scoundrel referred to a particular breed of smuggler who fought for the Galactic Republic. These scoundrels were known for their unpredictability, skill, and underhandedness in combat. These so called 'Scoundrel' have since made a return to the mainstream in recent times being named to those who become master smugglers.
In addition to his trusty blaster, the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a med pack--everything he needs to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive. These are a new breed of Scoundrel only surfacing recently, they prefer stealth and sabotage to complete their task as opposed to fighting face to face.

Lurker: At level fifteen the Silent Scoundrel may hide in the shadows and delay their emergence up to a minute per total character level. Direct light touching the darkness that a Silent Scoundrel is hiding in will force him out of the shadows.

Armor of God: Using his techniques a Silent Scoundrel, at sixteenth level learns to create Light Armor. This armor is considered heavy but requires no armor proficiency as it is weightless. Light Armor lasts for a number of turns equal to the Scoundrel's character level.

Smuggler's Key: After the more brute matters of combat have been addressed the Scoundrel learns the more subtle arts. At level seventeen the Scoundrel may create a skeleton key out of household objects or any object he finds of the right geometric shape to open any lock and slice any computer.

Never Fight Alone: At level eighteen the Scoundrel gains the ability to summon five friends of his to assist his battle. These friends emerge from the Scoundrel's shipand may attack attack or manipulate objects up to twenty feet away. These friends last for a number of turns equal to the number of Scoundrel levels possessed (i.e. only levels 15-20 count). Each friend only lasts up to five shots each before either dying or retreating back to the ship.

Retreat: At level nineteen a Scoundrel gains the ability to create a wall of blaster fire but cannot exceed a total area coverage of the Scoundrel's level in square feet. It is completely inpassable other than by sudden explosions and grenades.

Shock Wave: This ability is the culmination of the Scoundrel’s techniques. This ability, gained at level twenty, sends out a pulse of energy as the Scoundrel throws 3 pulse grenades that knocks all, friend or foe, in a twenty foot radius around the Scoundrel off their feet.

Lvl Special Abilities
15 Lurker
16 Armor of God
17 Smuggler's Key
18 Never Fight Alone
19 Retreat
20 Shock Wave

Proficiency Points:
C: 15, 17, 19
S: 16, 17, 18, 19
P: 15, 17, 18, 20
T: 15, 16, 17, 18, 20

Architect Scoundrel:

You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."
―Han Solo
Only the true masters smugglers ever become known as a Scoundrel to those that know them.
"Scoundrel" is a term used for individuals who are considered rogues by the galactic mainstream society. During the years of the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed it circa 3,653 BBY, the term scoundrel referred to a particular breed of smuggler who fought for the Galactic Republic. These scoundrels were known for their unpredictability, skill, and underhandedness in combat. These so called 'Scoundrel' have since made a return to the mainstream in recent times being named to those who become master smugglers.
In addition to his trusty blaster, the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a med pack--everything he needs to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive. These are a new breed of Scoundrel only surfacing recently, they prefer stealth, sabotage, lies and deciet to complete their task as opposed to fighting face to face.

Special Abilities:

Trustworthy: An Architect quickly learns to make himself seem well intentioned if not down-right idealistic. When an Architect uses bluff or diplomacy to make himself seem like he has nothing but the good of the group in mind he is considered a rank higher than he actually is. This ability is gained at level fifteen.

Influence: At level sixteen the Architect Scoundrel begins to gain influence over governing bodies. The three levels of influence are minor (gained at level sixteen), moderate (gained at level 21) and major (gained at level twenty-three). An organization’s size, power and resources determine how much influence buys control over what extent of it. Check with an administrator to find out the required influence and maximum level of control for the organization you have in mind.

Puppet Master: At level seventeen the Architect becomes skilled enough to manipulate numerous organizations at once. The Architect gains an additional moderate influence or two additional minor influences as per the Architect special ability.

Cronies: At level eighteen the Architect expands his network of informants to accommodate additional control within a network of informants in a specific organization. The player must decide which organization it is and once chosen the organization may not be changed.

Important Friends: The Architect, as the old saying goes, has friends in high places. Whenever an Architect uses diplomacy or intimidation he can drop a few names, which causes him to be considered a rank higher than he actually is. This ability is gained at level nineteen.

Embezzle Funds: “Missing money, sir? I have no idea about that. Wait a moment…I do believe I saw Sarnus Tull accessing the accounting software.” At level twenty the Architect is so trusted by his puppet that it’s no problem for him to skim a little off the top. The Architect may use the resource access ability twice per mission (see the Blank section for info on Resource Access).

Lvl Special Abilities
15 Trustworthy
16 Influence
17 Pupper Master
18 Cronies
19 Important Friends
20 Embezzle Funds

Proficiency Points:
C: 17, 18, 20
S: 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
P: 15, 17, 18, 20
T: 15, 17, 18, 20


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